100 Dates in Houston: The Curious Case of Mr. Beard

100 Dates in Houston: The Curious Case of Mr. Beard

I’ve been in Houston for about a month and have gone on three dates. I’m happy to report that I had a great time on all three. At the very least, dating should be fun, right? Now, it’s time to add a fourth.  Back in November of 2021, while traveling as a digital...
100 Dates in Houston: Where’s My Warrior?

100 Dates in Houston: Where’s My Warrior?

For the first time in my life, I’m an ANGRY black woman. I can tell you exactly how it happened. Long story short, I’ve always wanted to be married.  Growing up in the black church, I remember being told as early as 12, “Your breasts are for your...
100 Dates in Houston: Malcolm X and Mr. Hairline

100 Dates in Houston: Malcolm X and Mr. Hairline

I am now three weeks into my move to Texas, and it’s been wonderful. My social life is thriving, there’s always something to do, and best of all – I live right on a lake! Of course, I miss my family and sometimes feel the pangs of loneliness that are typical of solo...